Monday, February 11, 2008

Waiting on my Montage: Cue The Music

Apparently I live in New York, where every morning I wake up surprised by my surroundings. And every day I find another reason that I love the city. And every day I get more and more nervous about the impending busy season.

And any time people ask me about living here I feel like such a poser. I don't wear cool clothes. I don't know what a hedge fund does. I don't make a million dollars. And what's worse--I don't even care to make a million dollars... All of which are exile-deserving flaws, so I'm trusting that you won't tell. It'd be a shame to be kicked off the island after finally finding an apartment and signing a year lease! (Which consequently is for an apartment you are all invited to visit. I say invited because I'm trying to sound polite and hospitable, but as I get more desperate and homesick for all of you, this will likely turn into more of a demand--so start saving money for your flights and broadway shows now. Consider yourselves fairly warned.)

So… there is a definite movie-like quality to living in the city. As I'm essentially walking through the scenes of You've Got Mail, I feel undoubtedly like I'm in a movie! as an EXTRA, which is serious cause for concern. I ought to be the LEADING LADY of [my] own life!'---true words of wisdom from an adorable (albeit fictitious) old man that struck a chord and prompted Steph to create a phenomenal playlist-gumption.

But alas, until the music starts playing, the romantic interest enters, and time starts flying (all while I'm getting movie-star-skinny AND becoming extremely competent at my job with seeming ease), I'm stuck in the real world where I have to grow up one day at a time. So if only my ipod hadn't broken I could turn the music up really loud and PRETEND that my life had its very own montages that fast forward through some of the tough going and would help me wake up on the other side of April 15th.


April said...

Oh yay, I am so excited for you! I love the city, and I agree that you feel like you are in the movies all the time. I think Danny and I want to make a visit soon so I will let you know.... and if for any random reason you make your way up to Albany let me know :)

rudi said...

i've been waiting for an update from you! what a scene. lets talk soon. i want to come to new york!

Jane Durham said...

I was thinking about you and wondering how you were doing in that big city! In a little while you'll be laughing at yourself and wondering how you were so new and green. I'm glad you have a blog so I can keep tabs on you.
love you!

Marissa said...

I love love love that movie! I know that was not the point of hte post, but...when I am in the city, I get all this adrenaline. I have tried to convince my husband of hte magic of the city, but he is not buying it, unfortunately. I love that city! I am glad that you are enjoying everything and love the city. I can't wait until I know what the heck I am supposed to do on my job too!

nerak said...

Just fyi, from experience, you will get plenty visitors, trust you me.

And let's be honest, no one really knows what hedge funds do, not even moi, who actually claims to 'work' at one. :)

LAINA said...

Liz. I don't know if you got my last comment but again I wanted to say Hello. That is so fun that you are living in the Big City of New York. I would love to do that but alas...don't know if I ever will get the chance. It has been fun reading your blog. Good luck in the city. I am sure you fit in better than you think. New York is huge and there are so many types of people.

Tai said...

I didn't realize that your apartment was "your" apartment. How cool is that! Incidentally... I realized after I got home that I DITCHED you on the way BACK too!!!! Seriously, it's a wonder that you added me as your Facebook friend!

I'm excited for Fun Fridays, and hope you can hang out!