I recommend watching 12 hours of Friday Night Lights. I know I SHOULD be embarrassed - but have you seen this show? Plus, let's be honest - there are other guilty viewing pleasures that merit more embarrassment...
Um, have you watched Heroes? My friend lent me the first season and I"m hooked. And basically haven't done much else and I"m only 2/3 of the way through.
A friend recently pointed out that my "about me" needed a bit of updating by reminding me that I'm not a bum anymore. And technically she's right. I do have a job. Sometimes it seems more like 2. (During those "Why I outta"-inducing 80-hour work weeks). But despite the steady paycheck - I feel as much like a bum as ever. I still love sleeping in, watching movies, spending the day in pjs, all while over-indulging in New York's most fabulous treats… In fact, I'm pretty sure I love these things more than when I actually was a bum.
Can I just tell you how happy reading this makes me :) Yeah for another FNL fan!
Oh and please eat a dark chocolate peanut butter levain cookie for me!
Tim will be so proud of you.
Um, have you watched Heroes? My friend lent me the first season and I"m hooked. And basically haven't done much else and I"m only 2/3 of the way through.
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